MapQuest is a beautiful thing for personal transportation. I had directions from the motel in Danvers, MA to the train station in Salem, MA and I've driven that route several times before so it was a cinch to get to the train station. On the way I was lucky enough to be stuck in traffic and had time to take a few pictures of the sites:
Cuz I loves me some burgers and fries and because I'd just told Ben about Q's boss Steve at Five Guys South Burlington, VT telling Q to warn me about staying out of south Boston due to the Irish mob being all bruhaha ish lately.
I was jonsing for a venti caramel machiato.
At the train station we parked, fed the wall our $4 and wondered how the train station parking police know for sure that we paid our parking fee and even though the two guys near us were saying 'screw it' and not putting their fee in there I was a good girl and put my four bucks in because I have said 'screw it' and gotten the ticket that taught me a lesson. We sat around in the chilled day and waited about a half hour for the train. All the great weather at home has spoiled me. I truly thought 'la dee dah, I don't need a heavy jacket, la dee dah'. Well, thankfully my hoodie worked good enough and also thankfully I brought my gloves with me. Ben and I waiting for the train. That's Ben with the tongue about to be cut out and the hair he refuses to comb...oh, the things a mother puts up with.
There was a note on the marque at the train station talking about buses at Lynn Station taking a half hour to get to North Station and we blatantly laughed it off and sort of, but not really felt bad for people who were going to be stuck on the bus for a half hour...but come to find out that note was written for us and everyone else getting on the Salem train wanting to go to Boston. The Saugus River drawbridge is being rehabilitated for the next 6 weeks during the weekends and that affects the trains. At the Lynn train station we had to hoof it to the parking lot and get on a bus to North Station.
I'm one who takes a kink in the plan and tries to make the best of it so I had no problem getting on the bus, but it occurred to me that I was putting my life in the hands of a Masshole in a large vehicle and those people had already proven to me that they are maniacs, but we survived.
Once we got to Beantown we made a beeline for Hard Rock Cafe and tripped across a book store. Ben inherited my disability to pass a $1 book sale without buying anything so he got a book and I proudly forced myself not to get anything...laziness in not wanting to carry books around town trumped the pull to buy, buy, buy.
I'm one who takes a kink in the plan and tries to make the best of it so I had no problem getting on the bus, but it occurred to me that I was putting my life in the hands of a Masshole in a large vehicle and those people had already proven to me that they are maniacs, but we survived.
Once we got to Beantown we made a beeline for Hard Rock Cafe and tripped across a book store. Ben inherited my disability to pass a $1 book sale without buying anything so he got a book and I proudly forced myself not to get anything...laziness in not wanting to carry books around town trumped the pull to buy, buy, buy.
Ben coming out of a book store on Milk St, Boston.
I don't know what my fascination is with the Hard Rock franchise but I love it there. Must be the music. I love music, music and more music. The reason for this weekend is due to the concert we're going to and how fantastic it is that the concert is Van Halen and there was Van Halen stuff at the restaurant! Also, I'm going to see Madonna in September and she had stuff at the restaurant as well. I'm in music heaven.
Eddie Van Halen - oh my gosh, remember that hair? Oh my... Madonna's, oh, I don't know what it is, but she is an original...unlike that nasty woman who copies Madonna at every turn these days.
After dinner we headed over to State St for the reenactment and I'm fairly certain the British were at fault over the whole thing. It was a fun experience. Reenactors were in the crowd of onlookers and got us all going with the snarky yelling at the British soldiers. It was quite interesting trying to get pictures of the scene and getting shots of other people's cameras. We were watching history reenacted where we're not really sure who said or did what first because it was before the technology of cameras, etc. It was just odd.
Boston Massacre reenactors.
Boston Massacre reenactors.
Boston Massacre reenactors.
After the reenactment we headed back to North Station, got on a bus to Lynn Station then back on the train to Salem. Tomorrow we're going to continue to kick back and do nothing. Well, we will head into Boston and go see Van Halen. That is the point of the weekend after all.